

Ingredient Scientific Name Uses Found In
ABM Mushroom
Agaricus blazei Murrill High in iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc; has higher concentration of polysaccharides than other mushrooms and has antioxidant properties POLY5, Vegaplex
Acerola Cherry
Malpighia glabra Very high in vitamin C, with more bioavailability than synthetically produced vitamin C; excellent source of bioflavonoids, rutin, betacarotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium; has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Vegaplex
Medicago sativa Has antioxidant properties that help fight cell damage; abundant in chlorophyll, protein, carotene and vitamin K G-ART
American Ginseng / Five-Leaf Ginseng
Panax quinquefolius Soothing and stimulating for adaptogenic properties, expels gas from the stomach or intestines, stomach tonic, nerve tonic, aphrodisiac; may increase physical/mental performance; promotes appetite, helps indigestion, rheumatism, headache, sciatica, colds, coughs, bronchitis, menopause, constipation and cystitis. I-SHAPE, 1-SHAPE Lite
Malus sylvestrus Nourishes, and sooths with astringent and tonic properties. Enjoi, EverNew
Angelica keiskei Rich in phytochemicals such as flavonoids, coumarins, chalcones and chlorophyll, that fight free radicals; fights allergic reactions; helps maintain healthy blood glucose levels; helps promote bone formation; may help fight neuropathy; may support health blood lipid levels. Orchestra
Asparagus officinalis Diuretic, contains potassium, folate and vitamin A 1-SHAPE, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Original, Strawberry, Mixed Fruit; Refresh
Musa acuminata Soothing, contains potassium  1-SHAPE, EverNew, EverNew Orange, EverNew-D, Nutrifresh Original, Nutrifresh Mixed Fruit, Nutrifresh-D
Hordeum vulgare Soothing, aids in digestion, expels gas from the stomach or intestines, nutritive; used for weak stomach, weak digestion and loss of appetite. ACT, Enjoi, EverNew, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Original, Strawberry, Mixed Fruit; Refresh, Vision
Bee Pollen
Apis mellifica Used to treat allergies, improve stamina and add longevity. Concenergy, DNP Morning and Evening, Essence of Play, W•L
Black Bean Powder
Phaseolus vulgaris Nourishes; black beans are good sources of starches, fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc, phosphorus, complex carbohydrates and calcium. W•L
Vaccinium corymbosum Prized for its antioxidant health benefits and as a laxative, as well as other folk remedies; purportedly improves night vision; high in iron.  Enjoi, EverNew, Nutricardia
Brassica oleracea Italica Diuretic, nutritive, antioxidant 1-SHAPE, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Original, Strawberry, Mixed Fruit
Brown Algae
Laminaria japonica aresch Rich in chlorophyll that helps repair tissues; contains phytoestrogens and fucoxanthin for bone support. G-ART
Brassica oleracea Capitata Diuretic, nutritive, antioxidant 1-SHAPE, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Original, Strawberry, Mixed Fruit
Cactus Pad
Opuntia ficus-indica Beneficial to the digestive system; useful in providing nutrients to the pancreas and liver that support digestion and maintain blood-sugar balance; nutritional factors may act in the bowel to prevent fat and excessive sugars from entering the bloodstream. Millennium and Millennium Red, Cheer Packs and Powdered Beverages; Oxyginberry Beverage.
Cactus Fruit
Opuntia ficus-indica Contains seven times more antioxidants power than vitamin C; excellent source of riboflavin and vitamings A, B1, and D3; plays a significant role in promoting cell repair and renewal. Essence of Time; Nutrifresh Chocolate, Original, Strawberry, Mixed Fruit; Oxyginberry Beverage
Cucumis melo Used to relieve tuberculosis cough, and constipation; may be helpful to people with heart disease; ranks high as an antitumor food; abundant in potassium; may help with high blood pressure; because of their high water content, they serve as a diuretic.  Nutrifresh Chocolate, Original, Strawberry, Mixed Fruit
Daucus carota Antioxidant, nourishing 1-SHAPE, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Original, Strawberry, Mixed Fruit; Nutriall Original
Cassia, Cassia Bark, Cassia Tora
Cassia tora Antibiotic, antihypertensive, cholesterol reducing aid, mild and gentle laxative, good for the eyes, supports healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Concenergy, Refresh, S•T, Circle, DNP Morning and Evening, Vision, W•L
Prunus avium Fights gout, arthritis and rheumatism; rich in iron; often used to improve the blood and fight anemia. EverNew
Chia Seed
Salvia hispanica Ideal source of omega-3 fatty acids; rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals; nourishes the immune system; enhances cardiovascular health; helps increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels. O-Seed
Chinese Date
Ziziphus jujuba Sweet, sour, neutral, nourishes the heart and liver, calms the spirit, used for irritability, insomnia and palpitations with anxiety from deficient blood or yin. ART, D•I, DNP Morning and Evening, Pearl.
Chinese Dodder
Cuscuta australis Purges kidneys through increasing the flow of urine; high in vitamin C; opens obstructions of the Gallbladder; good for jaundice; strengthens the liver, kidney and builds up the blood; works on strengthening the sinuses and bones; helps constipation and backache. DNP Evening, S•T
Chinese Lovage
Ligusticum jeholense Regulate blood pressure and calm the liver. ART, DNP Morning and Evening, NOCO
Chinese Magnolia Vine
Schizandra chinensis Suppresses coughs, calms the nervous system; helps support a healthy liver, increasing the enzymatic metabolism of toxins in the liver; increases the production of digestive enzymes; relieves stress. DNP Morning
Chinese Privet
Ligustrum lucidum Nourishing tonic, deep immune activator, liver tonic and digestive aid; can be of benefit in chronic bowel complaints and ulcerations of the stomach and bowels; also known to nourish and tone the liver and kidneys, benefit the skin, and act on dizziness, spots in front of the eyes, lower back pain and tinnitus. DNP Evening, S•T
Chinese Yam
Dioscorea opposita Supports healthy blood pressure, boosts immunity, abundant antioxidant activity, helps support the nervous system. V-Estro
Chrysanthemum Flower
Chrysanthemum morifolium Anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive; soothes the liver; improves vision; used for the common cold, fevers, headaches, conjunctivitis, reddening of the eyes; helps ease fevers w/headache and counteracts the effects of a hot climate. Circle, Concenergy, DNP Morning and Evening, Pearl S•T, W•L
Theobroma cacao Promoting healthy blood flow; research correlates eating flavonoid-rich foods with a reduced risk of cardiovascular problems. Nutrifresh Chocolate
Dong Quai
Angelica sinensis Diuretic, estrogenic; used for hot flashes, menopause, PMS; reduces high blood pressure, promotes blood circulation and helps relieve pain of injuries; used for constipation, colds, flu, arthritis, rheumatic pain. ART, DNP Morning and Evening, Dong Quai, Pearl
Fang Feng
Ledebouriellae divaricatae Increases perspiration, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-rheumatic, antimicrobial; used for common cold or flu when symptoms include chills, headache and body aches; also used for rheumatic pains and intestinal spasms; effective for itching skin and allergic rashes. DNP Morning and Evening, NOCO
Five-Leaf Ginseng / American Ginseng 
Panax quinquefolius Soothing, stimulant, expels gas from the stomach or intestines, stomach tonic, nerve tonic, aphrodisiac; may increase physical/mental performance; promotes appetite, helps indigestion, rheumatism, headache, sciatica, colds, coughs, bronchitis, menopause, constipation, cystitis. I-SHAPE, 1-SHAPE Lite
n/a A natural sweetener (fruit sugar) 1-SHAPE, Enjoi, EverNew, Millennium Powdered Beverage, EverNew Orange, Essence of Knowledge, Essence of Play; Essence of Time, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry;
Ganoderma lucidum Increases coronary blood flow, supports healthy blood pressure and  cholesterol levels; improves immune response; used for insomnia, atherosclerosis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension. ACT, DNP Morning and Evening, Enjoi, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry; POLY5, Refresh
ginkgo biloba Boosts immunity, helps improve memory, contains antioxidants, supports a healthy cardiovascular system. V-Estro
Zingiber officinale Used for indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, motion sickness and loss of appetite. Circle, D•I, DNP Morning and Evening, Essence of Simplicity, NOCO
Ginseng Leaf
Folium ginseng Nourishes lungs, expels summer-heat, promotes fluid secretion, helps coughs, fights depression due to summer-heat, fluid deficiency and thirst, dizziness, weakness of the limbs. Essence of Play, W•L
Ginseng Root
Panax ginseng Stimulates immune function; used for anemia, depression, chronic and/or debilitating conditions of the heart and blood vessels. ART, Concenergy, DNP Morning and Evening, Essence of Knowledge, Essence of Play, Ji-Lin Ginseng, Nutriall Original, Pearl, S•T, W•L
Vitex vinifera Nourishes, diuretic; used for blood and energy deficiency, night sweats, thirst, palpitations, rheumatic pains, difficult urination, dry cough. 1-SHAPE, Essence of Knowledge, Essence of Play, EverNew, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry;
Grape Seed Extract
Vitis vinifera Used to improve venous, cerebral, cardiac circulation, reduces tissue injury and inflammation; a powerful antioxidant used for venous insufficiency, capillary fragility, diabetic eye disorder or macular degeneration.  Oxyginberry Beverage, Vision
Citrus paradisi Nourishing 1-SHAPE, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry
Hawthorn Berry
Crataegus Contains anthocyanins; stimulates digestion and promotions normal stomach functions; protects against atherosclerosis; helps strengthen blood vessels, particularly capillaries; helps lower cholesterol. Circle, Nuricardia, W•L
n/a Relieves sore throats and cold symptoms; nutritive, including carbohydrates, amino acids, iron, calcium, minerals and vitamins; also contains sodium, calcium, and iron, and B complex, A, C, E and K vitamins; has enzymes that aid digestion; inhibits bacterial growth; speeds up wound healing. Essence of Knowledge, Millennium and Millennium Red Cheer Packs
Cucumis melo Relieve cough, and constipation; may be helpful for heart disease; ranks high as an antitumor food; abundant in potassium that may support healthy blood pressure; because of their high water content, they serve as a diuretic.  Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry
Huang Qin / Skullcap 
Scutellaria baicalensis Contains antioxidants and melatonin; helps regulate sleep. Esserene
Japanese Honeysuckle
Lonicerae japonicae Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and helps fight fever; has a broad spectrum of antibiotic properties; especially effective for respiratory tract problems and for some gastrointestinal tract inflammations. Essence of Simplicity
Jasmine (root & flower)
Jasminum officinale Has traditionally been considered an aphrodisiac and sedative; have been used to expel parasitic intestinal worms, active against ringworm and tapeworm . Essence of Play
Ji-Lin Ginseng
Panax ginseng Stimulates immune function; used for anemia, depression, chronic and/or debilitating problems of the heart and blood vessels. ART, Concenergy, DNP Morning and Evening, Essence of Knowledge, Essence of Play, Ji-Lin Ginseng, Nutriall Original, Pearl, S•T, W•L
Schizonepeta tenuifolia Anti-inflammatory; helps relieve spasms; traditionally used for onset of common cold and flu when accompanied by headache and sore throat; hastens the ripening and termination of eruptive skin diseases, such as measles and abscesses, as well as to alleviate itching;. DNP Morning and Evening, NOCO
Sasa veitchii Cleanses blood, which helps lower blood pressure; contains polysaccharides that reduce excess cholesterol from the blood; contains lignins that help cleanse the liver; contains the polysaccharide Bamfolin that helps strengthen cell walls for better nutrient absorption and cell cleansing; promotes wound healing; anti-bacterial properties; anti-viral effects. Orchestra
Fucus vesiculosis Provides viscous fiber; lowers bowel transit time; absorbs toxins from the bowel; regulates intestinal flora; soothes digestive tract, iodine source. Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry
Actinidia chinenis High in omega-3 fatty acids; improves blood flow and helps regulate inflammation; fights depression and supports learning and memory O-Seed
Lavandula angustifolia Used for insomnia and reducing anxiety; relieves stress, reduces nervousness and promotes immune system health. Esserene
Citrus limon Flavoring, contains vitamin C, relieves spasms. Enjoi, Essence of Play, Essence of Simplicity, Essence of Time, Millennium and Millennium Red Cheer Packs and Powdered Beverages, Nutriall Original, Nutrifresh-D, Refresh
Glycyrrhiza glabra Anti-inflammatory, laxative, hypertensive, anti-ulcer, immune stimulant; Used extensively in cough drops and syrups, tonics, laxatives, antismoking lozenges. ART, Concenergy, D•I, DNP Morning and Evening, NOCO, Nutriall Original, Pearl, V-Estro
Lotus Leaf
Nelumbo nucifera Helps the body assimilate nutrients and facilitate the excretion of waste; lotus leaf extract contains antioxidants. Enjoi, Nutriall Original, W•L, Pearl
Luffa cylindrica Contains vitamins B and C; nourishes the circulatory and lymphatic systems; especially nourishing and balancing to the immune system. ACT
Maitake Mushroom
Grifola frondosa Contains 40 times more ergothioneine, an antioxidant, than wheat germ; helps modulate the immune system. POLY5
n/a Is easily digestible and a convenient source of energy; helps in producing many liquid and powdered nutritional products Enjoi, Millennium Powdered Beverage, EverNew Orange, EverNew-D, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry; Nutrifresh-D, Refresh
Cucumis melo Traditionally used to relieve cough and constipation; may be helpful for heart problems, ranks high as an antitumor food; abundant in potassium; may be beneficial for high blood pressure; because of their high water content, they serve as a diuretic.  1-SHAPE, Essence of Play
Morinda Citrifolia Fruit
Morinda Citrifolia Known as “noni,” has a history of topical use in poultices for rheumatic pain, inflammation, neuralgia, ulcers, gout, cough and cold, boils and ringworm. Refresh
Mulberry Leaf
Folium mori Upper respiratory infection, heat in the lung with dry cough; dizziness, headache, inflammation of the eye, blurred vision. Essence of Play
Multiflowered Knotweed
Polygonum multiflorum Has been shown help cholesterol levels, as well as decreasing hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis; promotes strong immune function, red blood cell formation and antibacterial action; used for atherosclerosis, constipation, fatigue, high cholesterol, immune function. DNP Evening, S•T
Avena sativa Anti-depressant, nutritive, soothing, helps with wounds; Useful for anxiety, eczema, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, insomnia, nicotine withdrawal. EverNew, EverNew Orange
Citrus ?sinensis High in vitamin C and B6, beta carotene,antioxidants, magnesium, potassium; helps regulate blood pressure; helps produce hemoglobin; supports healthy cardiovascular system. 1-SHAPE, EverNew Orange, EverNew-D, Millennium and Millennium Red Cheer Packs, Nutrifresh-D
Oriental Lotus
Nelumbo nucifera Graertn Supports healthy blood pressure and dilates blood vessels; helps to calm the nervous system at night and allow a sound sleep; soothing to spleen and kidney, contains calcium and iron. Enjoi, Nutriall Berry, Pearl, W•L
Petroselinum neapolitanum High in glutamine and vitamin C; also provides vitamin K for strong bones and helps remove uric acid wastes from tissues. G-ART
Passion Fruit
Passiflora edulis Helps tranquilize without side effects; rich in flavonoids and alkaloids, which are known for their sedative and non-addictive properties; contains serotonin. Esserene
  Nourishing, contains potassium, vitamins A and K; Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry
Prunus persica Diuretic, soothing, sedative, expectorant 1-SHAPE, ART, Circle, DNP Morning and Evening, Essence of Play, W•L
  Nourishing, contains potassium, vitamins A and K, niacin 1-SHAPE, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry
Concha Margarilifera Usta Nourishes skin and helps detoxify the liver DNP Evening, Enjoi, Essence of Simplicity, Pearl, S•T
Mentha piperita Aids digestion; mild antispasmodic making it useful for relieving menstrual cramps and nausea; mild vasodilator, creating warm or flushed feeling by stimulating circulation; traditionally used to alleviate symptoms of colds, flu and general fevers, nervous disorders, rheumatism and as a local anesthetic. DNP Morning and Evening, NOCO
Perillae frutescentis Helps coughs, expectorant, emollient, anti-asthmatic, mild laxative; used for cold phlegm conditions; most useful for stuffy feelings in the chest causing labored exhalation rather than inhalation; also useful for constipation. D•I, DNP Morning and Evening
Ananas comosus Expels gas from the stomach or intestines, stomach tonic, digestive aid. Enjoi, EverNew-D, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry; Nutrifresh-D
Pinelliae ternate Helps coughs, expectorant, helps control vomiting, anti-toxin, eases pain; useful for cough, phlegm, nausea and vomiting; also used for swollen glands. DNP Morning and Evening
Prunus spinosa Contains phenols; helps absorb iron better; very good source of vitamin C; lowers risk of macular degeneration by 36%. DNP Evening
Platycodon Root
Platycodon grandiflorus Rich in phytochemicals likes saponin glycosides; helps lower blood sugar levels by increasing glucose uptake by cells; inhibits fat absorption; helps boost immunity with antioxidant activity; anti-inflammatory. Orchestra
Prickly Pear Cactus
Opuntia ficus-indica Contains pectins and mucilage that benefit the digestive system; useful in providing nutrients to the pancreas and liver that support digestion and help maintain blood-sugar balance; nutritional factors may act in the bowel to prevent fat and excessive sugars from entering the bloodstream. Millennium and Millennium Red, Cheer Packs and Powdered Beverages; Oxyginberry Beverage.
Psyllium Husk
Plantago psyllium Viscous fiber, lowers bowel transit time, absorbs toxins from bowel, regulates intestinal flora, soothing on digestive tract 1-SHAPE, EverNew, EverNew Orange, EverNew-D
Pumpkin Flower
Cucurbitaceae Contains vitamins A and C, and folate, as well as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. A'Romantic
Rubus idaeus High in active antioxidants. V-Estro
Phragmites communis Diuretic, antibiotic, helps control vomiting; effective for lung conditions; used for nausea and vomiting. W•L
Ganoderma lucidum Increase coronary blood flow, supports healthy blood pressure and cholesterol; improves immune response. Used for nsomnia, atherosclerosis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension. ACT, DNP Morning and Evening, Enjoi, Nutrifresh, Chocolate, Mixed Fruit Original, Strawberry; POLY5, Refresh
Oryza sativa Strengthens spleen and pancreas, soothes stomach, expels toxins. Enjoi, EverNew-D, Nutriall Original and Berry, Nutrifresh-D
Rosa rosaceae Very nourishing to the skin, contains vitamin C; used as a blood purifier, and for infections, colds, and flu. Essence of Time, Oxyginberry Beverage, Pearl
Royal Jelly
n/a Hormone rich, it revives and rejuvenates while fighting infections; promotes energy and health; potent antioxidant for longevity. Celebration, Essence of KNowledge, Millennium Cheer Pack and Powdered Beverage, Pearl
Secale cereale Affects liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas; diminishes damp, watery conditions in the body; clears liver stagnancy; increases strength and endurance; aids muscle formation; cleans and renews arteries. EverNew
Carthamus tinctorius Increases sweating, diuretic, laxative, fights fever; used for fever, measles and chicken pox; helps break fever and produce perspiration; used to regulate menstrual disorders and calm the nerves. ART, DNP Morning and Evening
Salvia officinalis Boosts immunity and provides antioxidants that fight free radicals. V-Estro
Skullcap / Huang Qin 
Scutellaria baicalensis Contains antioxidants and melatonin; helps regulate sleep. Esserene
Sargassum Rich source of minerals, trace elements, amino acids, antioxidants, polysaccharides and enzymes; contains B-complex vitamins and vitamins D, E and K; rejuvenates cells and connective tissue and helps stimulate collagen synthesis and cellular turnover. Oxyginberry Beverage
Lentinula edodes Many properties, anti-tumor, immune-regulating, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-cholesterol; valuable for hepatitis, including hepatitis B and C, and chemotherapy support. POLY5, Refresh
Sojae praeparatum Derivatives of soy; expels gas from the stomach or intestines, helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels; useful for cancer risk reduction, menopause, vaginal inflammation, and improving digestion. 1-SHAPE, 1-SHAPE Lite, Nutriall Original and Berry, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry; Nutrifresh-D
Spinacia oleracea Builds the blood, diuretic, laxative, cleanses the blood of toxins that cause skin disease and discharges marked by redness and inflammation. Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry;
Sterculia Seed
Sterculia laxative Essence of Simplicity
Stevia rebaudiana Natural, low-calorie sweetener that has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels. Nutricardia
Fragaria × ananassa Benefits the spleen and pancreas and improves appetite; moistens the lungs and generates body fluids; used for thirst, sore throat and hoarseness, relieves urinary difficulties including painful urination and inability to urinate. Enjoi, Nutrifresh Strawberry, Nutriall Berry
Citrus reticulata Good for weak digestion and poor appetite, regenerates body fluids, helps lower high fever, valuable for inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. ACT, Circle, Concenergy, D•I, DNPMorning and Evening, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry; Nutriall Original, W•L
Lycopersicon lycopersicum Reduces the risk of cancer, good for coronary health, and diarrhea, soothes eye irritation, helps sunburn, wounds and sores, restores vitality (for persistent fatigue), supports liver health. Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry;
Turkey Tail Mushroom
Trametes versicolor Contains polysaccharides that boost the immune system; increases the antigen response; might reduce mutagen-induced, radiation-induced, and spontaneously-induced development of rogue cells. POLY5
Vanilla Used as a flavoring 1-SHAPE, Enjoi, EverNew, EverNew Orange, EverNew-D, Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry; Nutriall Original and Berry, Nutrifresh-D
Wheat Bran
n/a Used for constipation EvernNew
Winter Melon
  High in vitamins A and C; helps regulate blood sugar. Essence of Simplicity
Xanthan Gum
n/a Xanthan gum is an exocellular polysaccharide produced by fermentation of the bacteria Xanthomonas campestris; commonly used as a food thickening agent and a stabilizer. Nutrifresh Chocolate, Mixed Fruit, Original, Strawberry;


© 2013 E. EXCEL, Sandy, UT All rights reserved.
Last updated June 28, 2013.